Wednesday 12 September 2012

The Prophecy - Balboa Press

Balboa Press has released a 'free preview' from the inside of my book.  As it is written in a 'poem' form in the novel - it has unfortunately been printeded without the punctuation. So for all my fans, here is your own sneak-peak of the prophecy.

In the beginnning, good and evil battled
Humanity - the pieces on the scales
Time will tell who will win
Now is the time to begin

Time and need will produce one of noble birth
One born far away from angels
One whose belief held her gifts
One whose family loved her but never understood her
One whose friends envied and tormented her

The girl-child must grown into a woman
She must be protected to grow into her powers
The girl-child can balance the scales
She can triumph over the Destructor

She will carry within her the gift to end all conflict
She will carry within her the gift to end all rifts
She will be the one who will make for humanity the lasting peace
She will create again the balance . . . . . . .

. . . . . .Beware

To tip the scales, evil will nurture one
One who will become the destructor
The destructor will be undiscovered
The destructor will be alone
The destructor will embrace the evil
The destructor must destroy the girl
The destructor will have the power
To destroy humanity . . . . . . .

Find the hexagon and train them
Build the pentagon to stand strong
Keep the septagon safe
Build a pyramid that will stand
stand the conflict of time

Protect the Noble One and Protect the Protectors

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